
We exist to be a community where you can come and learn more about Jesus Christ whether you’ve gone to church before or not. If you have questions, ask them. If you have doubts, share them. We won’t always have the answers but we’ll be there for you and we’ll try to find the answers together.

The Forge is a community of people the majority of whom are in our thirties but who range from a few months old to seniors. We would use a few key words to describe us:

  • Casual and fun - We are pretty relaxed and fun people, and we take that with us to our church gatherings. Our pastor usually wears jeans and t-shirts when he preaches, so feel free to wear the same when you come.

  • Genuine - We’re pretty open about who we are and we don’t pretend to be anything else. We encourage you to do the same. We believe you can come to God just as you are, but no one truly encounters God without being changed.

  • Community - We believe in having fun together and caring about each other. We do that on Sunday mornings, at meals together, at various church activities and in our lives through our relationships with each other.

Our mission statement: To be a safe place to Begin and to Build and relationship with God